You may have heard that octopuses have three hearts. Obviously, Celine Dion is three times more popular in the octopus kingdom. 

Having multiple hearts is a triumph of evolution, and us humans have a long way to go. Octopuses know they are an advanced species. They probably  think we are pretty dumb, swimming along the surface in our tight neoprenes and goggles, carrying around our single hearts. 

But imagine the possibilities, when humans finally do grow multiple hearts...(!)  Extreme jazz improvisations will be more popular than boring club dance songs. People will sway their flexi-coordinated limbs on the dancefloors as if attacked by flies. We will run everywhere, and take the steps instead of the escalators. We will swing our feet when we sit, and spin our seats around. We will whistle in our sleep, and drink less coffee because we won't need it. 

We will fall in love more often...

Love, like everything else, will be multi-tasking, which suits perfectly our current lifestyles. In fact, perhaps that’s the reason we are so obsessed with multi-tasking - our species is trying to evolve and grow more hearts. 

Death will be less sudden and more elegant. 

Octopuses can have up to three heart attacks. This means that they have plenty of warning to prepare their farewell speeches, and say goodbye to their loved ones. 

When they have just one heartbeat left, they beach themselves, strike a pose and turn into trees.