In that greatest of Aesop fables, a boy repeatedly tricks his co-villagers into thinking wolves are attacking his flock. When a wolf actually does appear, the boy cries for help but the villagers don’t believe him.
Nothing rings truer to this fable than alarm devices.
Alarms are 99% of the time false, so we never believe them. An alarm goes off and no one blinks an ear. Which means that most times, alarms completely fail to signify what they are meant to signify: danger.
In ‘Amelia’, Joni Mitchell’s banger from the 70s, love is described as a false alarm - clearly something that The Weeknd thinks bears constant repeating.
It’s an important message that points to the truth of our fabled lives.
Somehow our hearts have failed to signify their purpose - to love - so we spend our time chasing false alarms.
To break free of this trickery, we should pray, every now and then, for the real wolf to come make us fall apart.